The Rock Leads the "Gridiron Gang"
"Gridiron Gang" tells the story of Sean Porter, played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, a juvenile camp detention officer who turned a group of teenage felons into a high school football team in four weeks. It may sound like a story only Hollywood could write, but it really did happen.
"These kids never played, never ever played football," The Rock said of the real kids portrayed in the film. "And they had four weeks to prepare and to play some tough teams and to go on and play in the state championships is a special, special thing."
For The Rock, this movie and these kids hit very close to home. "I was one of these kids," he admitted at the film's premiere. "I know what it's like to be arrested numerous amounts of times ... could have easily been locked up, easily. And I'm lucky I had someone in my life that cared and wanted to invest a little time in me."
"Gridiron Gang" hits theaters September 15.