TMZ Flies the Friendly Skies
How many times have you gotten on a long distance flight and been ready to settle in to the in-flight flick, only to learn the airline is featuring "The Rugrats Movie." Darn- you've seen it before.
As you sit in your coach seat cursing the the lack of in-flight Internet, Panasonic has decided to pick up where Boeing's Connexion service left off. Panasonic is now utilizing the Connexion-fitted airplanes to roll out its own service triumphing where Boeing failed.
What does that mean to you, the traveling web-addict? It means in-air internet is just one step closer. You can chat with your friends about the smelly guy sitting three rows away or how hot you think the flight attendant is, all while you check out the latest adventures of Greasy Bear and Firecrotch. And finally, the TMZ staff can get assignments from Managing Editor Harvey Levin while we travel on our vacations.
Hmmm, wait. That doesn't seem like a good idea after all.