Ex-'Deadliest Catch' Star Busted for Car Theft, Drugs

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Jake Harris was arrested this weekend for stealing a car and drug possession ... this after a long history of run-ins with the law.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the ex-"Deadliest Catch" star and a lady friend drove down to Phoenix from Washington state last week for what they called a "vacation." We're told the woman is married ... but that the 2 have hung out like this before.

Friday morning, the woman told cops she discovered Jake had split from their hotel ... taking her car in the process. We're told she reported the car stolen when she couldn't get a hold of him, but called the cops when she found him at a Circle K the next day.

Phoenix PD officers showed up and searched him, where they say they found Xanax pills and crystal meth ... which we're told he admitted were for personal use. He was booked for 1 count of felony theft and 2 counts of felony drug possession.

This is the latest legal run-in for Jake -- who was busted for DUI in 2010, and then, on the flip side, was robbed, beaten and tossed from a vehicle in November in Washington. At the time his brother, Josh, said Jake was seriously injured.

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Ex-'Deadliest Catch' Star Beaten, Robbed and Tossed From Car ... Cops Say

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Jake Harris was found battered and bloodied on the side of the road after getting tossed from a vehicle ... according to law enforcement.

Cops tell TMZ ... the former "Deadliest Catch" star got in an SUV Saturday night with 2 to 3 other people after leaving a casino in Washington state, but got into a fight and was thrown out of the vehicle.

Sources close to the situation tell us Jake's ID, wallet and cash were stolen before he got 86'd from the car. Cops found him on the side of the road and took him home. Jake decided later to go to a hospital for a head wound, and we're told he's still in ICU.

Cops haven't identified any suspects. Jake's brother, Josh, posted a video about the attack.

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'Deadliest Catch' Captain Busted for Bad Pot ... Of the Crab Variety

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"Deadliest Catch" captain Sean Dwyer was in hot water after officials discovered his crab fishing gear wasn't up to par ... TMZ has learned.

According to court docs ... Alaska's Fish & Game officials busted Dwyer for having a crab pot on the F/V Brenna A with an undersized escape mechanism. For you landlubbers -- crab pots must have an 18" hatch held closed by biodegradable ties. It's designed to give crabs a chance to escape pots that get lost at sea.

We're told Dwyer's escape hole missed the mark by 3 inches. The fix only required one snip of twine, but it still cost him $1,500 in fines, and now he's on probation for 2 years.

Gotta mind your holes up in Alaska.

Capt. Sig Hansen Doctors Told Me No Cigs or Sex ... 1 Out of 2 Ain't Bad!

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"Deadliest Catch" star Captain Sig Hansen is calling it quits after suffering a heart attack -- that's right, no more cigarettes ... or at least, fewer of them.

The famous crabber came on "TMZ Live" to talk about his recovery from that heart attack he suffered last week while at sea. Sig says it was a huge wake up call and he's seriously trying to quit his smoking habit.

Cameras were rolling when Sig fell unconscious and we're told it will be part of the show's 12th season which starts later this month on Discovery.

But watch the clip ... he's not so down to cut sex out of his life -- as doctors recommended, temporarily. You gotta see why Sig's even got beef with the little blue pills docs slipped him.

Sig Hansen Collapses at Sea Airlifted to Hospital

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4:00 PM PT -- Reps for Sig confirm he suffered a heart attack ... and is currently resting up.

Captain Sig Hansen narrowly dodged a true "Deadliest Catch" moment when he fell unconscious on the deck while fishing for crab.

Sources close to production tell TMZ ... Sig and the crew of the F/V Northwestern were at sea, with cameras rolling, when the captain briefly passed out. We're told Sig brushed it off when he came to, and wanted to keep fishing.

The production crew insisted he get medical attention, and he was airlifted to a nearby hospital.

His daughter posted a pic of him smiling in his hospital room. The family thinks he suffered a heart attack, but doctors are still running tests.

'Deadliest Catch' Star Died from Heart Attack ... In His Sleep

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"Deadliest Catch" star Tony Lara didn't suffer when he died ... authorities believe he suffered a heart attack in his sleep.

Meade County Sheriff, Ron Merwin, tells TMZ ... the pathologist who performed the autopsy observed scar tissue on Lara's heart, which is consistent with the effects of a heart attack.

Merwin says they'll know for sure when the toxicology report comes back, but there were no signs drugs or alcohol played a role. We're told Lara's body is being transferred back to his hometown in Alaska.

He was found dead Saturday morning at a home in Sturgis, South Dakota where he was attending the famous motorcycle rally.

'Deadliest Catch' Star Tony Lara Dead at 50

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Tony Lara -- who appeared on the hit discovery show "Deadliest Catch" -- died in his sleep Saturday. He was 50.

Lara was found early Saturday morning at a private residence in Sturgis, South Dakota. So far, authorities have no cause of death, pending autopsy results.

Lara was a crabbing catcher who appeared on "Deadliest Catch" to help Josh Harris out as captain of the Cornelia Marie after Capt. Phil Harris died.

'Deadliest Catch' Star Sig Hansen The King Of Norway Has Crabs Because Of Me

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The King of Norway met with a Norwegian guy even more famous than him .... "Deadliest Catch" star Sig Hansen.

King Harald V of Norway came face to face with Captain Hansen in a Seattle fishing village, where Sig graciously presented His Majesty with a tray full of, what else, king crabs.

The King got a VIP tour of The Northwestern, the famous Norwegian vessel.

There's a strong connection between the King and the Captain. Sig grew up in Seattle where there's a big Norwegian presence. Sig's dad, who is Norwegian, taught his son the fishing ropes at 14.


Jameis Winston Mocked Crab Leg Arrest for Charity ... Says 'Deadliest Catch' Star

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He knew he'd be a punch line ... but convicted crab thief Jameis Winston consciously decided to subject himself to crustacean mockery during a recent celeb event to help out a charity ... TMZ Sports has learned.

We spoke with "Deadliest Catch" star Capt. Keith Colburn -- who was at the Mike Alstott Family Foundation celebrity outdoor weekend with Jameis ... and he told us how it all went down.

"I had a giant king crab we were auctioning off," Colburn says ... when Jameis suggested that he should make a public spectacle out of the situation because he knew it would be "good press" for the foundation.

"He thought it was a gag, man!"

Colburn says Jameis couldn't have been a better sport -- and says, "He's an amazing kid."

Hey, if he could take a roasting from Kevin Hart ... he's gotta have thick skin, right?


'Deadliest Catch' Star Busted for Bad Case of the Crabs

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"Deadliest Catch" star Elliott Neese isn't happy with his latest catch -- the salty captain just caught a stiff fine for hauling in undersized crabs.

We found out Neese was busted back in November at Dutch Harbor after Alaskan officials sampled his ship's cargo -- highly valuable red king crab -- and pulled 13 undersized "bugs." That's a rookie mistake and huge no-no, especially when you catch professionally on TV.

Elliott pled guilty and the fine was slashed from $6,000 to $3K.

'Deadliest Catch' Captain Masturbation Is a High Seas Sedative

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"Wild" Bill Wichrowski has the cure for insomnia in the open waters ... a little self-gratification.

It's unclear why our photog and the "Deadliest Catch" captain were obsessed with talking about masturbation ... but they had quite the revealing chat about "relieving yourself" on a boat.

Wichrowski went on about the preferred locations for a little one-on-one, as well as how a quick session can help the guys fall asleep on the high sea.

Whatever happened to just counting sheep? Then again, sheep are a whole different ballgame.

'Deadliest Catch' Star No Viagra Needed ... Being at Sea Makes Me Horny Enough

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Josh Harris from "Deadliest Catch" is unimpressed with the new dessert breakthrough -- Viagra ice cream -- because he says the last thing his libido needs after a fishing trip ... is a boost.

In other words ... batten down your hatches when Josh pulls into port, ladies!

'Deadliest Catch' Star Rubber Jungle Fever With Big, Black Sex Doll

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It's your typical love story ...

Man walks into a bar ...

Man orders a beer ...

Man has simulated sex with a big, black inflatable woman ...

And it all happened to "Deadliest Catch" star Scott Campbell, Jr. -- who hit up a bowling alley in Kodiak, Alaska a few weeks ago when a bachelor party rolled in ... sex doll in tow.

So ... naturally ... Scott pretended to have sex with it.

We're told everyone had a blast -- including the doll.

(We hear she's kind of a whore)

'Deadliest Catch' Star Accused of Textual Harassment

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"Deadliest Catch" star Elliott Neese is an unstable ticking time bomb waiting to explode ... so says his baby mama who just got a restraining order against the reality star.

According to court docs filed in Alaska obtained by TMZ, Neese -- the captain of the F/V Ramblin' Rose -- has been on bad terms with his baby mama Valerie Gunderson for a while ... and now she believes there are signs he could "snap" on her at any moment.

One of the BIGGEST signs, Valerie alleges ... is that Elliott has been drinking, possibly using drugs and harassing her through the phone.

In fact, Valerie claims on Feb 13 ... Elliott called her 38 TIMES and sent 15 texts her way in less than an hour ... when she refused to talk to him. One month before that, Valerie claims he called her 54 TIMES in one night.

Valerie claims Elliott also called her mother and told her, "If I can't have [Valerie] nobody can."

Valerie claims Elliott has a history of domestic violence -- smashing her belongings in 2010 and attacking her in 2006 -- and she doesn't want to be a victim again.

The judge felt Valerie's fears are legit -- and has issued a temporary restraining order against Neese ... banning him from calling Valerie or contacting her in any way.

We attempted to contact Elliott for comment ... but we're told he's currently out fishing and could not be reached.

'Deadliest Catch' Star Accused of Bathroom Beatdown

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The badass Samoan guy on "Deadliest Catch" is in trouble for allegedly squeezin' one out in a men's room in Alaska ... as in, he's been accused of putting some guy in a serious headlock.

TMZ has learned ... Feleti "Freddy" Maugatai has been charged with misdemeanor assault over a violent altercation at the Grand Aleutian Hotel in Alaska on December 16.

According to the criminal complaint obtained by TMZ ... a female witness claims the Discovery Channel reality star got into a fight with her husband ... and it spilled over into the restroom.

When the woman went to check on the situation, she claims she observed that Freddy had her husband in a headlock.

The woman claims she tried to free her hubby, but Freddy grabbed her by the arm and "forcefully" pushed her across the restroom.

When cops arrived to the scene, police say they observed the woman had bruising and swelling on her arm.

According to the complaint, Freddy told police he didn't start the fight ... but was merely defending himself after the other man punched him in the face. Freddy says he "did not touch Katz."

A few days later, a judge ordered Freddy to stay away from the woman, her husband and the hotel. He's due back in court later this month.

TMZ attempted to reach Freddy for comment -- but he's currently working on the F/V Wizard crab boat in Alaska. A rep for Discovery had no comment.

'Deadliest Catch' Emergency Call CREWMEMBER DOWN!

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Deadliest Catch' Emergency Call -- CREWMEMBER DOWN :: 1109-deadliest-catch-ex-launch

TMZ has obtained the emergency radio call made moments after a member of the "Deadliest Catch" fishing crew collapsed while at sea Tuesday -- and according to the caller, the man showed "signs of shock and possible convulsions."

During the transmission, the caller says the unidentified crew member is "barely coherent" -- and probably suffering from severe dehydration.

The crew member in question -- who we're told was a novice crab fisherman AKA a "greenhorn" -- was airlifted to a nearby hospital in Alaska for treatment.

Sources tell TMZ, he's doing a lot better now -- and a rep for Discovery adds they are "thankful to the Coast Guard and F/V Wizard crew members for their fast action and coordination."