K-Daddy's Lawyer -- Don't Stop Believin'
Leaving a $2,000 tip at a Vegas strip club doesn't mean you're taking advantage of the ex-wife who's footin' your tab (payin' his lawyer's bills and forkin' over $20k a month in alimony) -- it just means you love the ladies.

Kevin Federline's meticulously-dressed super duo of Elliot Mintz and Mark Vincent Kaplan had "issues" with our story yesterday, detailing the tens of thousands K-Fed dropped in Vegas in a recent eight-month period.
MVK said we shouldn't believe every claim Brit's mouthpiece writes down on legal paper. But dude, K-Fed flashed more plastic than the chicks at Scores the night he laid down a $2,000 tip on his $365 bar tab -- and we have the AMEX bill to prove it.