Jessica and John -- Breakup Before Makeup?
John Mayer and Jessica Simpson may be telling the world that they're split up -- but hardly anyone's buying it.
Mayer and Simpson announced their "official" breakup late last week, but multiple sources suggest that the pair are destined to get right back together. "They've broken up about a dozen times this year, and they've always come back together. They're adorable together," a music-biz source tells Rush & Molloy. And People says that the couple have already been e-mailing and texting each other.
As for why this split happened, another source says that it was Jess' wardrobe choices that John didn't like, and that being in separate places was "difficult." Still, no one's believing that J & J are really going different ways.
Britney's Lip-synch Lapse
Britney Spears took her now-not-so-secret mini-tour to Orlando, Fla., but on Saturday night, the star's lip-synching, not so convincing to begin with, was even more exposed when a backing track faltered, leaving Spears in the vocal lurch. According to People, Brit had to turn her head away from the audience when the music for a medley of older hits started skipping -- which made it even more obvious that she wasn't singing. MTV UK says that the mishap repeated itself four more times during the concert. Still, the audience ate up the 14-minute "set" at the House of Blues Orlando, and reviews from concert goers were positive.
McCartney and Mills Call a Truce
For $200 million, she can play nice. Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills have, according to one British tab, buried what had been a very sharp hatchet, and even had a ten-minute "summit" last Friday at a London eatery. The couple have, it seems, come to their senses and decided that their three-year-old, Beatrice, should come first, and will be celebrating Sir Paul's 65th birthday in June together.
Meanwhile, sources say that McCartney has forked over around $2 million to Mills to help her pay debts, and that she'll end up getting $200 million out of his billion-dollar-plus fortune in the final settlement. Photogs spotted the ex-couple actually smiling in each other's presence with little Beatrice around, a far cry from the rancor and bitter name-calling that had been the norm in months past.
Party Favors: Duff and Lavigne Still Hate Each Other ... Kid Rock Runs from Pam Anderson ... George Michael Might Leave UK?
Hilary Duff and Avril Lavigne were at the same party in New York last week, but they had to be kept far, far apart because of a long-running b**chfight, says Metro New York. The two pop starlets were supposed to come at different times, but arrived at the same time, and Avril was "driving everyone crazy" with her anger. ... In other this-is-uncomfortable-get-me-out-of-here news, Kid Rock had to bail from a restaurant in Cannes when his ex, Pam Anderson, came in. Rush & Molloy report that the second Pam walked in the door, Rock grabbed his girlfriend, May Anderson, and bolted -- leaving pal James Blunt in the bathroom. ... George Michael says he's done with UK because he can't stand the glare of the media. Besides his place in London, he's got another house in Dallas where his partner is from. Yippee yay yo kay ya!