Dustin Diamond (Screech) -- 3rd Foreclosure's the Charm
Dustin Diamond's facing foreclosure for the third time in five years -- dude's bank just filed new legal docs claiming the former "Saved by the Bell" star owes over $278,000 on his Wisconsin home.
Screech had his first foreclosure scare in 2006 -- when he allegedly fell behind $250,000 on his mortgage payments. It all happened again a few months ago in April -- except according to Wells Fargo Bank, Screech's debt had ballooned to $290,000.
Now, the foreclosure monster is rearing its ugly head yet again -- Wells Fargo just filed more foreclosure papers in Wisconsin, claiming DD is still in default, owing $278,309 since May ... and now the bank is tightening the screws for realsies.
WF wants to recoup their losses stat -- demanding immediate foreclosure on Screech's property. So far, no word from the goateed one. Zoiks!