TMZ Live: Johnny Lewis' Steady Downslide Before the Murder
TMZ Live Johnny Lewis Downslide Before Murder
(0:00) "Sons of Anarchy" star Johnny Lewis allegedly killed his landlord, beat up two mean and then died after falling off a building ... we have all the latest details ... including his recent downward spiral.
(5:10) "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" is coming back for two more seasons -- and Harvey makes the case for the family to start making the big bucks.
(10:00) We talked to the most hated ref in sports -- the guy who signaled for a touchdown at the end of the Packers/Seahawks game ... and he's standing by the call!
(18:00) Amanda Bynes pleads not guilty ... we'll tell you how she could possibly scrwe up her case a la Lindsay Lohan.
(21:00) Axl Rose is in a legal war ... over graffiti.
(24:00) A "Today" show producer takes the blames for the Ann Curry disaster.
(30:10) Ryan Lochte is releasing a workout video ... that has no swimming involved. Harvey is baffled.
(34:00) Mickey Rourke's face ... does it prove that men shouldn't get plastic surgery.
(37:00) Samuel L. Jackson's curse-laden, pro-Obama video. You think the Obamas secretly love it?
(39:00) Hilary Swank just sold her mansion ... wanna see?
(40:00) We take your calls!