TMZ Live: Whitney Houston -- Cop Accused of Ogling Dead Body
TMZ Live Whitney Houston Cop Accused of Ogling Her Body

(0:00) Whitney Houston -- did a cop really ogle her dead body after she died ... setting off a crazy chain of events?
(10:00) Zac Efron -- details about his rehab for cocaine.
(14:00) Gwenyth Paltrow can legally drive her Vespa now ... wonder what made her finally decide to go in and get her license?
(18:00) Game joins us to explain why he's using a ton of his money to help people in need.
(24:00) Carlos Santana's car accident -- way worse that first expected.
(29:00) Pippi Longstocking's sex tape -- is she full of BS when she claims she doesn't want it released?
(30:00) Oscar De La Hoya says he appreciated Floyd Mayweather's apology ... but is he kidding?
(32:00) Formerly gay viral video star Antoine Dodson got a lady pregnant -- he joins us to explain how it all happened.
(36:00) The floor is yours!
(41:00) It's time again for ... viewer hate mail!