President Biden Gets Pooped on By Bird During Inflation Speech
President Biden When 💩 Hits the Fan ... Or Rather, When It Hits the Suit!!!

President Biden's having a crappy day -- just as he was trying to make a very serious point about inflation and the economy ... a bird decided to drop a deuce right on his fancy suit.
JB was delivering a speech Tuesday in Menlo, Iowa -- within what he described as a barn of some sort -- where POTUS was talking about infrastructure, inflation and figuring out a way to lower costs for Americans ... all in the framework of the farming industry.
While he was talking about seeing the work they do there and giving these folks praise, something fell down from above -- and it wasn't a little miracle ... it was fowl poo.
Indeed ... a little white thing splashes onto his left shoulder and leaves its splattered mark, but the Prez didn't seem to notice -- and in the moment, it didn't appear too many others did either. Unfortunately, eagle-eyed viewers watching at home definitely saw it clear as day.
Bummer that Joe was in the line of fire here ... you'd think they'd clear the place out of any feathered critters fluttering around up in the rafters -- because Mother Nature doesn't discriminate when it comes to defecation.
As we've seen ... even the most rich and famous among us are worthy targets. Heads up!