'Nick Marry Me! I'll Be Faithful!'
Do you get annoyed when filthy rich celebs complain about getting their picture taken in public, or start stupid trends like the ever popular Ugg Boots? Well now there's a new company that makes fun of celebs on T-shirts, all for us to sport for our self-perpetuating pop culture amusement.
The Web site SpoiledCelebs.com sells t-shirts with cartoons and funny quotes like, "I have a great ass, I don't need $200 jeans," or "Nick Marry Me! I'll be faithful!" This company waits anxiously for the next public embarrassment to hit the news so they can create another slam on their t-shirts.
TMZ got our hands on a few shirts that poke fun at some of Hollywood's biggest stars. Check out our video for a guaranteed laugh!
We've got the T's