Hottest Videos -- Week of 08/06
Hottest Videos Week of 08/06
New BFFs Tyra Banks and Nicole Richie went on a shopping spree with a sea of photogs hot on their tails. They hit the usual hot spots, The Ivy and ultra-swanky Kitson, then went low brow and cruised the frugal aisles at the 99¢ Store. TMZ cracked the caper -- they were shooting a segment for "The Tyra Banks Show" season premiere, set to air September 11.
Even Paris Hilton has an off day - or should we say off-icer day. First she lost her car keys, and as she struggled to find them an officer slapped the heiress with a ticket for parking in the red zone.
Britney's been very busy girl this week. Brit stopped by a toy store for a baby must have- dolls. Is this a sign Sean P. will have a sister? Britney still needs a way to pay for her purchases, however, so we also caught up with her back at the studio recording a new album.
Britney has been so busy, she found a way to keep K-Fed occupied, courtesy of a shiny new black American Express card. This plastic has unlimited purchasing power behind it. So what might Kevin buy? TMZ has a theory. Watch!