Chyna Changes Name, Tells McMahon to "Bring It!"
Wrestling trainwreck Chyna has legally changed her name and wants to kick her former boss' ass!
Only TMZ was at a Burbank courthouse when the former Joan Marie Laurer celebrated her new moniker. Now it's just Chyna, bitch!
The muscle-flexing diva used the occasion to challenge Vince McMahon -- head honcho at World Wrestling Entertainment and former owner of the Chyna brand name -- to meet her in the ring:
"Do I want to go back to get abused by you and get punched in the head every day and have people not stand up for me besides the fans? No. Would I like to go back for one day representing myself and all these people to kick your ass and your ass only? Cause you are the boss, right Vince? Then I would love to do it. You know my number. You know where I live, obviously. And you know my name. Bring it, Vince!"
Only Chyna puts Chyna in a corner!