Congress' Spring Break -- Body Shots Anyone?
Congress is on a two-week recess, a.k.a. "Spring Break" -- but it's safe to say these guys won't be downing tequila at Senor Frog's while they're away.

We got Congressmen Jim Himes (D, CT), Anthony Weiner (D, NY), Jared Polis, (D, CO) and Ed Perlmutter (D, CO) yesterday in DC, and for most of 'em, there were no trips to Cancun in their immediate future. The convos went a little something like this...
Congressman Polis: Some of us go on CODELs, which are trips overseas...
Pap: OK, that sounds fun!!!
Congressman Polis: Well, usually they're war zones...
Pap: Oh, so that's not fun, I take that back.