TMZ Live: Chris Brown and Drake -- Stitches and Snitches
TMZ Live Chris Brown vs. Drake Stitches and Snitches

(0:00) More drama with Lindsay Lohan -- an ambulance was called to her hotel room after she wouldn't wake up ... but we're told she was just exhausted from really long hours shooting "Liz and Dick."
(3:00) We have a bunch more details about the Chris Brown/Drake brawl -- including whose crew is responsible for bashing Chris' bodyguard, the injuries Tony Parker suffered, and who's snitching on who.
(12:00) Breaking news -- David Arquette and Courteney Cox may end up having he best divorce in Hollywood ... they were spotted out together today for Courtney's birthday.
(13:30) Sarah Jessica Parker's $40k dinner for President Obama -- someone only stayed for 20 minutes ... which comes to about $2k per minute! Sounds ridiculous ... but it may have been the best way to do it.
(16:40) Britney Spears little sister Jamie Lynn performs onstage live -- and actually sings ... and kills it! Is she about to have a major comeback?
(20:30) Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher J.J. Putz finds a rare, signed Justin Bieber trading car -- you won't believe the story behind it ... as well as how the D-backs use Justin's music to get pumped up.
(23:30) Gisele raked in $45 mil this year ... by fare the most successful model on the planet.
(26:15) "Glass House" is NOT a rip-off of "Big Brother" -- and we'll tell you why.
(27:30) Candy Spelling is glad she moved out of one of the biggest houses ever built -- and into a far more modest, 18,000 sq. ft. condo.
(32:55) Greatest idea ever? Pizza vending machines are a real thing now.
(34:30) Some guys dress up like Batman to catch alleged pedophiles -- and it just might have worked! Lucky for you ... we have video of faux-Batman's good deeds in action.
(39:03) Time to rip into one of our producers -- who made the mistake of calling Rza (pronounced Rizzah) from the Wu-Tang Clan .... R. Z. A. It's about to get nasty!
(40:25) We take your calls!