TMZ Live: Charlie Sheen -- There Was NO Hotel Rager ... This Time
TMZ Live Charlie Sheen NO Hotel Rager ... This Time

(0:00) Charlie Sheen is calling BS on two stories that are floating around about him ... by calling into TMZ Live! Charlie also talks about the debut of his new show "Anger Management" ... which premieres tomorrow!
(10:00) Lindsay Lohan finally settles with the three dudes she took on a drunken joy ride back in 2007. And as a bonus, we play a classic TMZ clip involving one of the victims ... who said one of our favorite lines ever.
(16:00) Robert Pattinson is chopped liver compared to Justin Bieber and Katy Perry -- after being shut out of his own party bus ... and we have video of Rob's incredibly awkward moment.
(18:00) Paris Hilton is involved in a scrap with a paparazzi ... but more importantly ... her legs look amazing.
(20:50) The officer who arrested Mel Gibson is about to be fired -- but reason behind it may be a explosive load of BS.
(26:00) It pains us to say it ... but have the Kardashian overtaken Oprah in the power department?
(29:50) Quincy Jones takes a shot a P. Diddy's producing skills -- by saying he wouldn't know a B-flat if it hit him in the face. Did he go over the line ... or is he speaking the truth?
(34:35) A Disney exec says the company isn't responsible for raising their child stars ... that's their parents job.
(37:00) Nora Ephron was an incredible writer -- penning such movie classics as "Harry Met Sally" and "You've Got Mail" ... but Harvey has a bit of a problem with the effect those movies had on real relationships.
(42:00) We take your calls!