'Law and Order: SVU' NBC Flip Flops Again
'Law and Order: SVU' NBC Flip Flops Again Yanks Trump-Like Episode

NBC is all over the place, ordering a "Law and Order: SVU" show which presented a version of Donald Trump as a rich womanizing candidate for President ... reportedly putting it on the schedule for early October, taking it off, then putting it back on 2 weeks before the election and now taking it off again.
The episode -- titled "Unstoppable" -- starred Gary Cole as a super rich guy who makes an improbable run for The White House only to have his campaign torpedoed by accusations by various women.
The timing of NBC's decision to pull the episode is interesting. Sources connected with the network told us the now-infamous "Access Hollywood" video was supposed to air 2 days before last Sunday's debate ... to have maximum impact and influence.
As we reported, "Access" execs were concerned Hurricane Matthew would dwarf its revelation so it postponed the airing, pissing off someone with the tape who then leaked it to the Washington Post.
The network hasn't said why it changed its corporate mind on the October 26th air date.