O'Reilly Challenges Viewers to Debate Him
NEW YORK -- Love him or not, viewers will have the chance to debate Bill O'Reilly on his Fox News Channel talk show, "The O'Reilly Factor," next month. O'Reilly has announced the Great Factor Debate Contest, in which six winners will face off with the outspoken TV commentator on a topic of their choice. "You want a piece of me?" O'Reilly said Monday. "Would you like to sit on this set right here and let me have it? Of course you would. Well, now that can happen." He warned viewers to "be careful what you wish for." Applicants can enter by e-mailing OReillyContest"at"foxnews.com. The segments will air Feb. 7-8, Feb. 14-15 and Feb. 21-22.