Suri Cruise -- Internet Star
The hottest pictures on the web aren't of Lindsay Lohan's firecrotch -- they're of TomKat's love child.
The long-awaited pics of Suri Cruise in Vanity Fair hit New York and Los Angeles newsstands last Wednesday. While the issue comes out nationally this Tuesday, restless fans in the rest of the country have been swarming to get a glimpse of the TomKat love child.
Suri's first pics, and the mystery leading up to them, helped the site reach 4.3 million page views on Wednesday. This more than tripled the site's last record when the Hollywood issue debuted back in February. By comparison, on the average Suri-free day, receives just 60,000 page views.
Another benefit of the much-anticipated pictures was that 4,000 people subscribed to Vanity Fair -- the magazine's largest one-day total.
Now that we know she really does exist, it looks like Suri is giving Cindy Margolis a run for her 'most downloaded' money!