NBC -- Oh, the Humanity. Oh, the Ratings!
Minutes after the vile press kit sent from the Virginia Tech killer arrived at NBC studios in New York yesterday, one sound clearly resonated through Rockefeller Center -- cha-ching!
While the network did a great job quickly putting together riveting news packages in a short time, and making sure the tapes were rushed to the FBI rather quickly -- they also did a swell job of first making copies of all the horrific contents for themselves. Then, on the same day that it was announced that NBC was getting whooped in the ratings, the blitzkrieg promotion campaign began.
After spreading the haunting, pathetic video of the killer over the course of last night's 30-minute NBC Nightly News broadcast -- and masterfully teasing even more disgusting clips every step of the way -- Brian Williams warned a shell-shocked nation that his network would do everything in its power to "prevent any more martyrs or heroes from emerging from the tragedy" -- then, in the same breath, he teased more scumbag TV on this morning's "Today Show." Dude, we get the game -- don't try to hide it.