Britney May Club for a Living
Sources tell TMZ Britney Spears is in negotiation with Bally Total Fitness to be a frontwoman for the company -- and backwoman, too!
Here's what we know. Brit's parents have both been talking to Bally about making a deal. Daddy Jamie has the power as co-conservator to make it happen. It all happened because Larry Rudolph, who is coming back to manage the Britster, has a close friendship with John Wildman, the Chief Marketing Officer of Bally.
During the negotiations, Brit has been going to the club at least once a day and up to as many as three times a day. She's training with two of the company's top personal trainers -- we're guessing one for the front and one for the back. She's also working with the company's nutritionist, who has put Britney on five to six quality meals a day. No Taco Bell, no Fanta ... life can really suck.
As of now, there is no deal -- just negotiations. We're told she isn't getting any money yet, but she's working out for free. As a company insider put it to us, "We're more interested in Britney Spears' health than her $19."
Martha's Dead Dog: It's a Good Thing?
Martha Stewart can make a beautiful occasion out of any dinner party, wedding, even a stock trade gone bad -- but the carcass of your dead dog?!
The ex-con media mogul's nearly 13-year-old dog, Paw Paw, died of renal failure on Saturday and she's posted a creepy pic on her blog of the expired pup -- entombed in a sheet with an adorable little bow wrapped around him. Death is pretty!
Just imagine what Martha could do with your Aunt Sally's cremated remains?!
If They Could Turn Back Time
They say hindsight is 20/20 -- clearly these stars weren't wearing their glasses when they inked their bodies with some of the most ridiculous tattoos known to man. Check out the scars that time cannot erase.
Congressman to Ric Flair: "Woooo!"
The economy has gone to crap. Our foreign policy is a disaster. So what is the House of Representatives doing to make the US of A a better place? Honoring wrestling legend Ric Flair, stupid!
Congresswoman Sue Myrick took the floor and duly noted that the Nature Boy won his champ title a record 16 times. Did anyone tell this chick it's fake? Watch the heartfelt tribute -- then gag.
See Also
Lowe's Accuser is a Flirting Machine!
Sources connected to the Rob Lowe case tell TMZ, one of Lowe's accusers privately told folks there was mutual flirting going on between her and Rob, but she never mentioned sexual harassment.
Sources say while Jessica Gibson, Lowe's former nanny, worked at a Santa Barbara doctor's office, she complained all right, but only about money. She told others that Lowe owed her somewhere between $30,000 and $50,000 in back wages and vacation time. But as she complained, she never mentioned that Lowe ever did anything sexually untoward.
Indeed, she often said there was a lot of flirting between herself and Lowe, but she was coy about whether anything physical ever happened.
Her friends have two words for her that repeatedly come up -- party girl! And we hear she just loves herself some older men.
Paging Vidal Sassoon!
Some days it's just a better idea to stay in bed.These hairtastrophes can only be credited to either the major lack of mirror accessibility or a stylist who should be fired ASAP. Unbeweavable!
Johnny Fever from "WKRP": 'Memba Him?!
Howard Hesseman is best know for playing anti-disco DJ Dr. Johnny Fever on the '70s TV series, "WKRP in Cincinnati." Guess what he looks like now!
To Catch an Old Fart
Bulletin: "Dateline NBC" has officially jumped the shark. Chris Hansen has now set his sights on....INSURANCE AGENTS! Oh, the humanity! Chris, bust that guy who's not coming clean over the early withdrawal penalty!!!!!!!!!!

TMZ TV has the story, at a premium price.
Premature Aging!
No doubt the glare of the Hollywood spotlight can age a person well beyond their years. Who's looking decades older than they actually are? Their real ages will shock you!