Billy Mays III: I Want to Be Haunted By My Father
Billy Mays III -- the late pitchman's son -- is hosting a Billy Mays costume contest for Halloween in honor of his dead father ... and get this, zombie Billy Mays submissions are encouraged.
Little Billy posted the following on his website:
"Halloween is approaching rapidly and it goes without saying that "deceased celebrities" (and balloon boy) will most likely be a huge theme at every gathering.
There will no doubt be a multitude of people dressed as Billy Mays (or zombie Billy Mays).. it is one of the easiest costumes of all time to put together. (Beard, blue button-down, khakis, prop product, etc..)"
Billy wants people to send him pics of their Billy getups -- the winner gets a bunch of prizes ... including, of course, a tub of OxiClean.