'South Park' Jersey Shore Episode -- 'South Park' Smooshes Snooki ... Snooki Loves It
'South Park' Smooshes Snooki ... Snooki Loves It
Snooki was a moving target on "South Park" last night ... seriously, they actually tried to shoot her ... but the "Jersey Shore" star is taking her animated ripping as a badge of honor.
In case you missed it -- watch it, it's hilarious -- the episode culminates with the Gollum-esque "Snooki" character getting socked in the face after trying to rape Cartman.
After the show, the real Snooks went to her Twitter page and wrote, "snooki want smoosh smoosh. im going to have nightmares tonight lmao!!! we've officially made it. goodnite my bitches."
Check out the entire episode at SouthParkStudios.com ... it's frickin' hysterical.