Charlie Sheen -- Manager Calls 'Death' Report a Lie
Charlie Sheen's manager, who minutes ago left Charlie's home, tells TMZ reports that Charlie could die this week are "reckless lies."
Mark Burg tells us ... after reports surfaced that Charlie was coked out of his mind, cavorting with hookers and in a fast death spiral ... he went to Charlie's house, entered a side door and saw Charlie sitting on the couch eating a turkey sandwich, saying, "Way to knock, dude."
Burg says he asked Charlie about the report he was at death's door and "Charlie looked at me like I was nuts."
Burg says Charlie plans on handing out lots of Halloween candy ... because his neighborhood gets besieged by trick-or-treaters.
Burg added, "He looked as normal as he's looked in a long time."
Burg says Charlie not only said he'd be on the set Tuesday for "Two and a Half Men," he impatiently asked when he was going to get a copy of the script.