TMZ Live -- Bill and Hillary Clinton PDA ... Just for Show?
TMZ Live Bill & Hillary Clinton's PDA The Real Deal?
(0:00) Kim Kardashian's wedding -- made for TV.
(1:30) How Kim's profiting BIG TIME off her nuptials.
(3:30) Jillian Reynolds -- worst spy ever.
(11:00) Bill and Hillary Clinton are spotted out holding hands -- sincere ... or just posing for the cameras?
(13:00) Do the Clintons share a different kind of love?
(18:32) What the hell are the Clintons wearing???
(25:45) Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller vacation together in Mexico ... but swear they are not getting back together.
(31:00) Topless talk!
(45:10) More violence at sporting events raises the question -- where are the worst fans in the US?
(46:00) A comprehensive tweet breaks down the worst fans across professional sports.
(50:40) How to curb fighting at sporting events.