Flavor Flav -- Hijacks an Airplane ... Loud Speaker
Flavor Flav Hijacks an Airplane ... Loud Speaker
Where can I get some fried chicken ... is NOT what people usually think about during landing, but that didn't stop Flavor Flav from jumping on an airplane's loud speaker to promote his chicken take-out joint ... and TMZ has the hilarious audio.
It all went down on a Southwest flight from Burbank to Las Vegas Thursday during the aircraft's final descent. Flav grabbed the intercom mic -- ya know, the thing pilots give important safety information on -- and addressed the entire plane.
The best part ... Flav capitalized on the opportunity for some free advertising and plugged his Las Vegas restaurant -- Flavor Flav's House of Flavor -- and then just listed everything they sell ... like fried chicken and waffles.
He then lead the entire plane in a chant of "Flavaaa Flaaaaaav."
Where's an air marshall when you need one?