Playboy Meets 'iCarly' -- UNCUT Carl's Jr. / Hardee's BBQ Burger Ad ... Buns, Buns, Buns
Playboy Meets "iCarly" UNCUT BBQ Burger Ad ... Buns, Buns, Buns

You know that incredibly sexy Carl's Jr./Hardee's commercial on TV right now ... with those two babes grilling up a storm in daisy dukes? Well, there's an additional 30 seconds that were TOO HOT FOR TV ... but perfect for the Internet.
So. Video. Watch it. Awesome.
Fun facts: the blonde is Playmate of the Year Sara Jean Underwood -- and the brunette (our personal favorite) is Emily Ratajkowski ... who you might recognize from "iCarly."
While we're on the topic ... let's ask ...