Alleged Lindsay Lohan Attacker No Stranger to Celebs
Lindsay Lohan Alleged Attacker No Stranger to Celebs
Christian LaBella, the guy arrested early this morning for allegedly assaulting Lindsay Lohan, has several prior interactions with celebrities ... and he's posted all about it on his Facebook page.
LaBella was busted early this morning after he allegedly attacked Lohan following a dispute over pictures he took of the actress on his phone.
LaBella's Facebook page shows a guy who certainly enjoys taking pictures with celebs -- he's got pics with the likes of Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner (see above) and Joe Francis. He's also posed for pics with politicians Herman Cain and VP candidate Paul Ryan.
LaBella also says on his Facebook page that his aunt is Heather McDonald from the show "Chelsea Lately."
LaBella was arrested following the alleged run-in with Lohan on two misdemeanor counts of assault and two charges of harassment.