TMZ Live: John Mayer Begged ... I WANT Fake Rolexes
TMZ Live John Mayer Begged I WANT Fake Rolexes

(0:00) John Mayer actually sought out counterfeit watches to buy.
(7:00) Chris Brown's genius way to get out of jail.
(10:00) Crazy Wheel of Fortune solver -- was it rigged?
(15:00) White House pasty chef is on the outs.
(18:00) Hulk Hogan joins us to explain how a old lady was able to steal from him.
(24:00) Kathie Lee Gifford makes a joke she should never make ... about sweatshops.
(29:00) Paul Walker's daughter -- who will get custody?
(32:00) Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps is dead -- should we celebrate.
(36:00) The floor is yours!
(41:00) Tim's rejects!