John Stamos -- The Beach Boys NEVER Play Their Charles Manson Song
John Stamos The Beach Boys NEVER Play Their Charles Manson Song

If you're a fan of The Beach Boys song "Never Learn Not to Love," don't plan on ever hearing it live ... because John Stamos says the band never performs it ... because Charles Manson wrote it.
BACKSTORY: Dennis Wilson befriended Manson before he became famous for all the wrong reasons. Manson had written this song, which Wilson re-worked into "Never Learn Not to Love," which made it onto their early 1969 album "20/20."
Manson became manic after the release, bugging The Beach Boys to work with him again but he was so weird their producer Terry Melcher shunned him. Manson became enraged and the story goes ... the real target the night of the Tate murders was Melcher.
Melcher -- the son of Doris Day -- had rented the Tate house with then girlfriend Candice Bergen but moved weeks before the murders.
Monday night in New York, our photog asked Stamos -- who regularly plays with the band -- about the Manson track. It's clear from Stamos' answer ... it's a wild part of the band's history.