The Bachelor's Hometown -- We're Spitting Mad ... This Ain't Podunk Junction
The Bachelor's Hometown We're Spitting Mad This Ain't Podunk Jct.

"The Bachelor" star Chris Soules welcomed his girlfriends into his Iowa hometown, and they crapped all over it -- while producers made it seem deserted ... and now Chris' old neighbors are pissed.
If you missed the last 2 episodes ... 4 of the 5 final girls showed up unannounced in Arlington, Iowa for a tour that would lead you to believe everyone's fleeing the one-horse town. Stores were closed, Main Street was dead, and one of the locals slammed Arlington for being boring.
City Clerk Mary Jo Brown tells TMZ it was a totally unfair depiction. She says the town has a ton going for it -- parks, a community center, and plenty of job options.
Brown shared her laundry list of complaints about the production:
-- the use of ghost town music to hype the episode
-- one of the shops shown was only closed the day they taped, but business is doing well
-- producers didn't shoot on a weekday when main street is way busier
'Bachelor' producers had no comment.
Brown says she'd welcome Chris and the girls back to town -- and insists there's plenty to see and do in Arlington.
Now, if Chris would just give her a rose.