Stars Like LeBron, Bieber, Hailey and Whoopi Align for Epic NY Fashion Week Shot
New York Fashion Week The Stars Align For This Epic Photo!!!
What do LeBron James, Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Simmons, Scooter Braun, Swaggy P and a bunch of yellow milk crates have in common?
They all came together -- at a skate park no less -- for an incredible photo Thursday during New York Fashion Week.
The murderer's row of sports stars and celebs were gathered for the John Elliott runway show ... the runway being the center of a skateboarding ramp.
It looks like the lineup includes Robert Englund and Maverick Carter, as well ... but we're not certain. No clue who the guy behind the fence peering in is, though.
As we reported ... stars like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Kendall Jenner and more have already flocked to NYC for Fashion Week events.
And, the list keeps growing.