Small Dong March Through Los Angeles Seeks To End Small Penis Shame
Small Dong March End Small Penis Shame!!!
There's a movement to end the shame cast down upon those with small penises ... and it's getting bigger.
Los Angeles played host to the "Small Dong March" ... with throngs of folks taking to the streets to try and end the stigma around tiny members.
As you can see, people busted out a bunch of funny signs to make their point ... so click through the gallery to see some of the more creative cracks.
The Small Dong March is the brainchild of YouTube stars Chad and JT ... the surfer bros famous for pitching the San Clemente City Council on a 12-foot-tall Paul Walker statue.
Not everyone in the march was there because they had a small dong ... despite some of the chants you can hear on video echoing down the streets.
We're told attendees did not have to pack a small penis themselves, they could just be an ally.

The Small Dong March is the latest step in the crusade to end small penis shaming ... the organizers previously hosted a small dong art show.
No word what's next, and it might take a big effort to change hearts and minds ... but ya gotta start small.