Simon Fesses Up
Simon Cowell now admits he's created problems for himself by telling 'A.I.' producers to record candid moments.
Last week Cowell went on 'Good Day LA' complaining that 'A.I.' producers aired partciularly nasty comments that he never thought would be shown on TV.
Simon says the remarks, that have gotten the Brit in a bit of hot water, were meant to be private -- between the judges.
Today, Cowell sang a different tune. 'EXTRA' correspondent Terri Seymour asked Simon about reports that he was upset at 'A.I.' for rolling tape after contestants left. Cowell told Seymour, "I was the one who initiated it in the first place." In other words, Simon says he told producers to keep the tape rolling and just forgot about it.
But Cowell is still upset, saying he never thought producers would choose to include the comments in the edited show.