"View" Without Me
(By TMZ staff, with apologies to Rosie O'Donnell, who had nothing whatsoever to do with the following text ... except for providing us with much-needed inspiration the day after a long weekend.)
babwa, joy, & that other one
said buh-bye this morning on "the view"
bw still loves me, wants me to come back
uh, ok
said that split screen
that pushed me over the edge
was used before --
really, when?
called slugfest between me and e
"a little contretemps"
fancy euphemism for
i kicked some hasselbutt
speaking of e-beth
she said we were on road to reconciliation
that we exchanged messages
but no apology, still, on air.
whoopi chilled, said she was groovin'
but all 'view' and no ro
make morning tv
very dull watching
peace out