TMZ Live: Beyonce -- Most Beautiful or Most Bankable?
TMZ Live Beyonce Most Beautiful Or Most Bankable?
(0:00) Octomom investigated for child neglect -- you won't believe the photos of what the inside her house is like.
(8:50) LiLo will never learn -- she went out last night ... and ended up being late this morning for her gig on "Glee."
(12:10) An incredible makeup artist makes herself look like celebs ... you gotta see these pics.
(14:50) Obama's appearance on Jimmy Fallon's show was awesome ... and took focus completely off Romney's victory.
(18:18) Breaking news involving the FBI, Joe Francis, a politician, a super hot chick, and an alleged imposter.
(20:10) Is Beyonce really the most beautiful woman in the world? Some beg to differ.
(22:11) Tareq Salahi calls in ... he's serious about running for governor.
(27:08) The Kardashians prep the next generation.
(33:02) Why did Jennifer Hudson have to leave the courtroom today?
(38:30) Harvey calls BS on the carmageddon baby boom.