Melissa Etheridge/Tammy Lynn Michaels Settlement Agreement
Melissa Etheridge/Tammy Lynn I Write the Songs ... You Get a Cut
We've just obtained the settlement agreement between former domestic partners Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels, and get this ... Tammy has a piece of Melissa's music.
Under the agreement, Tammy gets 50% of the royalties from the album, The Awakening. Tammy also gets 50% from the songs, A Simple Love, All There Is, All We Can Really Do, An Unexpected Rain, California, God Is in the People, Heroes and Friends, Imagine That, I've Loved You Before, Map of the Stars, Message to Myself, Open Your Mind, The Kingdom of Heaven, The Universe Listened, Threesome, and What Happens Tomorrow.
As we previously reported, the settlement requires Melissa to pay Tammy $13,000 in monthly spousal support and $10,000 a month in child support. They have agreed to joint custody.
Melissa gets to keep some property in Springdale, Arizona and Hidden Hills, California. She also gets some property in Arkansas.
And the best. They each get to keep their own Vespa.