Scott Disick's 'Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous' Audition -- TOTAL BOMB [VIDEO]
Scott Disick BOMBS In 'Lifestyles' Audition

Scott Disick was only slightly better than Kendall Jenner when it came to reading a teleprompter ... for his big audition to host the new "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous."
TMZ got hold of the audition tape -- shot last year -- for the panned Style Network show. It's painful to watch his deer-in-the-headlights read. At one point his pitch gets so high you can almost hear the fine china break in the dining room hutch.
Suffice it to say ... Scott didn't get the gig. It went to Nick Cannon. Problem is ... the Style Network went under ... and the show mercifully never saw the light of air.