Andrew Stern -- Suicide Attempt at Gun Range 2 Months Before Death
Andrew Stern Suicide Attempt at Gun Range 2 Months Before Death

5:10 PM PDT -- A rep for Stern's family tells TMZ it's extremely upsetting their private tragedy has become public, saying "This unwanted attention has resulted in several false & hurtful speculations that do not truthfully describe the devoted, unselfish, accomplished & proud man Andrew was."
We're told the family chooses to honor his memory by remembering how he lived, not how he died.
Andrew Stern -- who committed suicide Sunday at a firing range -- tried to kill himself at another firing range in April ... days after he filed for divorce from "Deal or No Deal" model Katie Cleary.
The facts are chilling. We've learned Stern left L.A. in mental distress ... and went home to his parents in Ohio. On April 17 -- 8 days after filing for divorce -- Andrew's mom was so alarmed she called 911 and said he was trying to kill himself.
Andrew's mom told the dispatcher he was going to end his life in 1 of 2 ways ... either going into an enclosed garage with the car engine on, or going to a local firing range and shooting himself.
The 911 call begins with Andrew's mom speeding to the firing range, saying she checked the garage and he wasn't there.
By the time the mom arrived, cops were on the scene. Sources tell TMZ ... they were told by employees at the range, Andrew showed up but they turned him away because he seemed unstable.
Andrew left and got on the phone with Katie as he drove back to his parents' home. Cops arrived soon thereafter, determined Andrew was a danger to himself and he was taken to a hospital for mental observation.
And our sources say a month later cops from a different police department in Ohio went to Andrew's home for a wellness check, after a local doctor alerted authorities Andrew was in bad shape.
Andrew told authorities he was having suicidal thoughts because Katie left him a few weeks before.