Kevin Smith on 'Last Jedi' Trailer, Oscar Time for Mark Hamill?
'Last Jedi' Trailer First Oscar Nom for Luke? If Kevin Smith's Voting ...
'The Last Jedi' trailer should do more than pump you up for the movie -- 'Star Wars' faithful should also get ready for the Oscars ... or at least that's the way Kevin Smith sees it.
Superfan Kev was still amped about the trailer debut when we saw him Friday in Bev Hills. He gave us a 30 second review, and then moved on to even bigger matters: Mark Hamill and the elusive little gold dude.
Our guy suggests Luke might finally get the Academy's attention with this flick, and it sounds like Kevin's on board.
Fun fact: The only 'Star Wars' acting Oscar nom was Best Supporting for Sir Alec Guinness in the first flick. Obi-Wan Kenobi ... he really was the "only hope."