2024 San Diego Comic-Con Suit Up for Best Cosplays!!

Comic-Con is in full swing in San Diego, and the cosplay game is on fire! From "Diablo 4"'s Lilith to Orin the Red ... attendees are bringing their A-game with their epic looks.

Check out the pics ... we've got everything from Elphaba from "Wicked" and Professor Garlick from "Harry Potter" to Springtrap from "Five Nights at Freddy’s."

Whoever said playing dress-up can't be glamorous was clearly wrong -- because these mega fans look great! Check out this fem Captain America outfit ... definitely a super-powered dose of style, not to mention the other costumes.

Mark Hamill Leads White House Press Briefing ... After Chat w/ 'Joe-B-Wan'

Joe-B-Wan Kenobi

Mark Hamill says the force is strong with this White House, appearing at a press briefing to cap off the week and sing the praises of President Biden, whom he's already nicknamed.

The legendary actor surprised the press corp Friday -- appearing alongside press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and explaining how he got to meet the prez ... highlighting some of his legislative accomplishments.

Hamill eventually opened up the floor to questions -- with one reporter asking about MH's meeting with POTUS. While he's cagey on exactly what he and Biden talked about, he does admit he christened JB as "Joe-B-Wan Kenobi" -- and it got a laugh out of the room.

'Star Wars' Star Anthony Daniels C-3PO Head Sold at Auction ... Mind-Blowing $850k Price!!!

Anthony Daniels is making a fortune off his "Star Wars" trinkets ... selling off a C-3PO head from 'Return of the Jedi' for enough cash to satiate even Han Solo himself.

The actor sold off the prop for $843,750 Tuesday through Propstore Auction -- a popular site for fanboys and fangirls to buy their favorite movie and TV super collectibles.

Propstore says the head matches several scenes from the film, and it was the only head still in a private collection before it was sold -- as of yet, it's still unclear exactly who bought it.

The fiberglass head -- made up of three components -- still lights up ... so the lucky mystery buyer's got a pretty dang cool new addition to what we imagine is already a stacked "Star Wars" collection.

As for why he's selling ... Daniels told The Hollywood Reporter last week all his 'Star Wars' stuff's just gathering dust in boxes and cupboards -- and he'd rather it go on display or to someone who might really enjoy it.

The head wasn't the only thing Daniels put up for auction either ... he also sold a custom Pittsburgh Penguins hockey jersey given to him by the team after he participated in a charity event as well as a gingerbread cookie given to him on his last day of shooting 'The Last Jedi,' among other wild items.

While the head may be sold, a ton of other "Anthony Daniels" collection items are still up for sale ... so hop over to Propstore quickly before they're all sold off.

Turns out C-3PO was the droid one lucky buyer was looking for!

Estrella de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd Ingresó a rehabilitación hace 10 meses ... Por brote sicótico

La estrella infantil de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd ha estado recibiendo tratamiento en un centro de salud mental los últimos 10 meses, según revela su madre.

Lisa Lloyd dice que su hijo, famoso por interpretar al joven Anakin Skywalker en el "Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma" de 1999, comenzó su programa de hospitalización en marzo de 2023. Le dijo a Scripps News el lunes que Jake experimentó un brote psicótico mientras conducían a casa después de hacer una parada en McDonald's.

Lisa relató que Jake, ahora de 35 años, quiso apagar el carro en un momento dado e inquietantemente lo hizo mientras estaban en medio de tres carriles de tránsito, lo que dio lugar a un tumultuoso intercambio de gritos y gritos entre Jake y ella.

El incidente provocó un gran atasco, lo que llevó a otros conductores a llamar al 911. Cuando los policías llegaron a la escena le preguntaron un montón de cosas a Jake para obtener detalles del incidente.

Sin embargo, Lisa dice que Jake fue incapaz de responder coherentemente a las preguntas de los oficiales y las describió como una "ensalada de palabras". Escuchar un discurso incoherente a menudo se asocia a condiciones como la esquizofrenia, condición con la que Jake fue diagnosticado en 2008.

Jake fue ingresado en el hospital ese mismo día y más tarde entró al centro de rehabilitación para una estancia prolongada de 18 meses para intentar lidiar con sus demonios.

Afortunadamente, hay buenas noticias respecto a su progreso. Lisa dice que está muy bien y que incluso ha superado sus expectativas en lo relativo a relacionarse con otras personas y ser un poco más sociable.

Se acordarán de que Jake se ha enfrentado a varios desafíos a lo largo de su vida. En junio de 2015, fue arrestado, pasó 10 meses en prisión y más tarde buscó ayuda psiquiátrica después de una persecución a través del condado que terminó con él estrellando un carro.


'Star Wars' child star Jake Lloyd has been receiving treatment at a mental health facility for the past 10 months ... according to his mother.

Lisa Lloyd says her son -- famous for playing young Anakin Skywalker in 1999's "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" -- began his inpatient program in March 2023. She told Scripps News Monday, he'd been experiencing a psychotic break while they were driving home after making a McDonald's run.

Lisa recounted how Jake, now 35, expressed a desire to turn off the car, and unsettlingly, proceeded to carry out the act while they were in the middle of 3 lanes of traffic ... leading to a tumultuous exchange of yelling and screaming between Jake and her.

The incident caused a major traffic jam, prompting other drivers to call 911, and when cops arrived on the scene, they asked Jake a bunch of questions to get deets surrounding the incident.

However, Lisa says Jake was unable to make sense of the officers' questions ... describing them as a "word salad." Hearing a jumble of incoherent speech is often associated with conditions like schizophrenia, which Jake was diagnosed with back in 2008.

Jake was admitted to the hospital that day ... and later entered the rehab facility for an extended 18-month stay to battle his demons.

Thankfully, there's good news regarding his progress -- Lisa says he's doing great, even exceeding her expectations by relating to people better and becoming a bit more social.

You'll remember ... Jake's faced his fair share of challenges over the years. In June 2015, he was arrested, spent 10 months in prison, and later sought psychiatric help following a cross-county chase that ended with him crashing the car.

Mark Dodson 'Gremlins' Voice Dead at 64

Mark Dodson, the actor who gave voice to some of the little creatures in "Gremlins," has died ... TMZ has learned.

The voice actor also brought to life characters for "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi," "Day of the Dead" and countless video games -- and still made appearances at fan conferences. In fact, Mark's daughter tells TMZ he died while in Evansville, Indiana, to attend Horror Con.

She says Mark had flown to Indiana for the event, and checked into his hotel ... and that's where he suffered a "massive heart attack" while sleeping.

Dodson's first big break in Hollywood came in 1983 -- he was the voice of Salacious Crumb, the little creature with the high-pitched voice that was always seated dangerously close to Jabba the Hut in 'Return of the Jedi.'

And, as it turned out, 'Star Wars' opened the door for another iconic role the next year.

In "Gremlins," Mark was the voice of Mogwai ... and, inadvertently, had kids everywhere -- who saw the movie in 1984 -- imitating his voice.

Mark worked continuously for several decades in film, video games, radio and commercials. As his rep tells us, Mark added "his unique voice and sound to each character and script he touched."

TMZ Studios

His daughter, Ciara, says Mark "never ceased making me proud" and his legacy will live on through his grandchildren and her.

Mark was 64. RIP


Mark Dodson, el actor que le dio voz a algunas de las pequeñas criaturas en "Gremlins", ha muerto, TMZ ha indagado.

El actor de doblaje también dio vida a personajes de "Star Wars: El Retorno del Jedi", "El Día de los Muertos" e innumerables videojuegos, y todavía hacía apariciones en conferencias de fans. De hecho, la hija de Mark le dice a TMZ que murió mientras estaba en Evansville, Indiana, para asistir a Horror Con.

Ella dice que Mark había volado a Indiana para el evento y se registró en su hotel, que es donde sufrió un "ataque masivo al corazón" mientras dormía.

La primera gran oportunidad de Dodson en Hollywood llegó en 1983, cuando hizo la voz de Salacious Crumb, la pequeña criatura de voz aguda que siempre estaba sentado peligrosamente cerca de Jabba the Hut en "El Retorno del Jedi".

Al año siguiente, "La guerra de las galaxias" le abrió las puertas a otro papel icónico.

En "Gremlins", Mark fue la voz de Mogwai, y sin querer, hizo que los niños de todo el mundo en 1984 imitaran su voz.

Mark trabajó ininterrumpidamente durante varias décadas en cine, videojuegos, radio y anuncios publicitarios. Como nos dice su representante, Mark añadía "su voz y sonidos únicos a cada personaje y guion que tocaba".

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Su hija, Ciara, dijo: "Nunca dejó de hacerme sentir orgullosa" y sé que su legado perdurará a través de sus nietos y su trabajo.

Mark tenía 64 años. RIP

Myles Turner Han (Not) Solo For Star Wars Night ... I Got A Princess W/ Me!!!


Myles Turner pulled out all the stops for the Pacers' Star Wars night on Wednesday ... showing up to the arena decked out in a Han Solo costume -- and enlisting a stunning Princess Leia to join him!!

Of course, the Pacers center is a big-time nerd (we say that with love) ... so it's no surprise he was planning to go full send when the team announced the Dec. 20 matchup against the Charlotte Hornets would be all about the wildly successful movie franchise.

Myles is pretty open about his fandom for all things fantasy ... and takes advantage of any opportunity to put it on display for his followers -- like when he and his lady threw on some Hogwarts garb for their Harry Potter-themed Halloween costumes this year.

In fact, the team even showed Myles dressed up with a robe and lightsaber on him as part of Wednesday's promotion -- a limited edition Star Wars shirt, hot dog, chips and a Pepsi product included with a $25 ticket!!

There will be a ton of other Star Wars-themed events throughout the game ... including activities in the concourse and in-game entertainment.

As for his Leia, Myles has kept her identity pretty private ... so no info on the girlfriend outside of what he's shared on social media.

Use the force, Myles!!

BON JOVI & MARK HAMILL Guitarra firmada, rara figurita de Skywalker Subasta de famosos para ayudar a los veteranos

Si alguna vez has querido jugar golf con Jason Bateman y Will Arnett, charlar por Zoom con Bryan Cranston o visitar a Ben Stiller en un set de Hollywood, esta es tu oportunidad, ya que estas experiencias únicas en la vida están ahí para tomarlas y apoyar a nuestros veteranos al mismo tiempo.

Algunos de los nombres más grandes de Hollywood se están asociando con Homes For Our Troops, una subasta anual que se realiza en línea para recaudar fondos para los veteranos heridos, y una vez más el listado de este año es increíble.

Jason y Will están subastando 18 hoyos de golf con ellos en el Bel-Air Country Club, y Ben está ofreciendo la oportunidad de ir a trabajar con él al set de "Severance"

También podrías almorzar en Nueva York con Lou Diamond Phillips, hacer que Michael Connelly escriba tu nombre en su próxima novela o conseguir entradas para el espectáculo de Adam Sandler y luego conocerlo en persona.

Hay algunos recuerdos súper cool de Hollywood que también se subastan, como por ejemplo, artículos firmados por Jon Bon Jovi, Mark Hamill y Chris Evans.

Jon aportó con una guitarra autografiada, Mark firmó una estatuilla súper rara de Luke Skywalker y Chris ofreció un mensaje personalizado en video, además de un escudo del "Capitán América"' y un póster de la película autografiados.

Ryan Reynolds también está participando con una rara estatuilla autografiada de "Deadpool". Mientras que Jennifer Aniston quiso estar presente con un bolso Fendi de su colección personal.

También está el vestido que Mindy Kaling llevó a la gira "Renaissance" de Beyoncé y una guitarra autografiada por Wynonna Judd.

Los aficionados al deporte también tienen algo por lo que pujar. Entre los objetos hay un balón de baloncesto firmado por Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley y Shaquille O'Neal, además de un balón de fútbol americano de la NFL firmado por Peyton Manning y sus compañeros de equipo campeones de la Super Bowl con los Indianapolis Colts de 2010.

Todos los ingresos de la subasta van a Homes For Our Troops, que construye y dona casas personalizadas para los veteranos post 11 de septiembre con heridas graves.

Este es el 7º año que se celebra esta subasta. La licitación se abre el viernes y se extiende hasta el 13 de noviembre.

Bon Jovi & Mark Hamill Signed Guitar, Rare Skywalker Figurine ... Celeb Auction Helps Vets

If you've ever wanted to play golf with Jason Bateman and Will Arnett, Zoom chat with Bryan Cranston or visit Ben Stiller on a Hollywood set, here's your chance ... these once-in-a-lifetime experiences are up for grabs, and they support our veterans, too.

Some of the biggest names in Hollywood are teaming up with Homes For Our Troops ... an annual online auction raising funds for injured vets, and once again this year's lineup is incredible.

Jason and Will are auctioning off 18 holes of golf with them at the Bel-Air Country Club ... and Ben's offering a chance to go with him to work on the set of "Severance."

You could also grab lunch in NYC with Lou Diamond Phillips, have Michael Connelly write your name in his next novel or get tickets to Adam Sandler's show and then meet him.

There's some super cool Hollywood memorabilia being auctioned off too ... including items signed by Jon Bon Jovi, Mark Hamill, and Chris Evans.

Jon's contributing an autographed guitar; Mark signed a super rare Luke Skywalker figurine and Chris is offering a personalized video message ... with an autographed 'Captain America' shield and movie poster thrown in for good measure.

Ryan Reynolds is getting in on the action too ... with a rare, autographed Deadpool figurine. Meanwhile, Jennifer Aniston's fundraising with a Fendi bag from her personal collection.

There's also the dress Mindy Kaling wore to Beyoncé's "Renaissance" tour show, and a Wynonna Judd autographed guitar.

Sports fans have something to bid on too ... a basketball signed by the whole "Inside the NBA" crew -- Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal. Plus, there's an NFL football signed by Peyton Manning and his Super Bowl champion teammates from the 2010 Indianapolis Colts.

All of the auction's proceeds go to Homes For Our Troops, which builds and donates custom homes for post-9/11 veterans with severe wounds.

This is the 7th year of the Veterans Day Celebrity Auction ... bidding on eBay opens Friday and runs through November 13.

'Star Wars' 'E.T.' Producers List Malibu Estate ... $18.5 Million Price Tag!!!

Two of the people behind some of biggest movies in history are selling their Malibu estate ... and the place looks like heaven on earth.

Legendary Hollywood filmmakers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy just put their 4-bedroom pad on the market for $18.5 million ... and it's the house 'Star Wars' and 'Indiana Jones' built.

Nearly every room in the 3,989-square-foot-home boasts beach and ocean views, including the primary suite, which features its own fireplace and a spa-style bathroom, plus a walk-in closet.

Anthony Barcelo

The estate has all the bells and whistles ... an infinity pool, fire pit, outdoor BBQ and dining area, as well as an outdoor shower.

The chef's kitchen has a center island, full bar, mini bar and a fireplace ... and there's a third fireplace in the living room, which has vaulted ceilings and glass walls opening out to the Pacific.

Whoever buys the home will also get membership to the super exclusive La Costa Beach and Tennis Club, which is just down the block in Carbon Beach.

Kathleen, the president of Lucasfilm, and Frank, who runs the couple's production company Kennedy/Marshall, bought the 2.2-acre property back in March 2015 for $9.75 million ... and homes like these don't hit the market often.

During their illustrious careers in Hollywood, Kathleen and Frank have produced the new 'Star Wars' movies plus the 'Jason Bourne' franchise, as well as timeless classics like "Back To The Future" and "E.T." plus "Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic World."

Stan Richman from Compass holds the listing.

2023 SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON See All The Best Cosplay ... Worlds Are Colliding!!!

This year's Comic-Con is in full gear down in San Diego, and tons of folks look ready for the big screen ... dressing up as characters from some of 2023's biggest movies and TV shows.

The convention kicked off Thursday and the cosplay is on point yet again ... there's lots of folks going as Barbie and Ken, plus a family who went all Indiana Jones, and Mario and Peach's mushroom kingdom is getting a strong showing.

There's also some Oppenheimer looks ... with some folks even going up against their Barbie counterparts ... plus super heroes from all different universes.

Naturally, Star Wars is well represented too ... there's Mandalorians galore and even some Grogus.

The classic comic book characters are getting some love too ... because Batman and Robin never get old.

Check out the gallery ... it looks like a seriously fun time.

Beyonce Sith Lord-Mode in South of France ... Darth BEYDER???

Beyoncé seems to be feelin' the power of the dark side ... cuz she's lookin' really 'Star Wars' villain-ish while traveling through Europe with her family.

Queen Bey -- or Darth Beyder, as she might prefer to be called -- touched down Friday in the south of France with her hubby Jay-Z, and their kiddo Blue Ivy in tow.

Her fam might be feeling Beyonce's force while cruising through the airport, though ... because she was completely bundled up with a pitch-black cloth covering everything but a sliver of her face.

Might remind ya of a certain big bad space villain called Darth Vader ... the younger version, anyway. Think hooded Anakin Skywalker from 'Episode 3' -- or maybe the all-powerful baddie, Emperor Palpatine from the same saga.

FYI, Bey's currently on the European leg of her Renaissance World Tour ... next stop is Saturday in Frankfurt, where she just might declare, "I am your mother."

Well, to Blue Ivy, anyway ... who, as we've shown you, has been a backup dancer on the tour.

Alexi Lalas On Lionel Messi Get Ready MLS ... Inter Miami Could Become 'Super Club Death Star!'


Gear up to turn to the dark side of the Force, Inter Miami fans ... Alexi Lalas tells TMZ Sports that after adding Lionel Messi this week, he can see the team now becoming a "super club Death Star!"

We spoke at length with the Team USA soccer legend just hours after Messi confirmed he'll play for Miami's MLS squad in 2023 ... and Lalas said the move is a tectonic-plate-shifting one for the sport in America.

He told us he expects it to attract millions more to the game in the States -- and raise the MLS' profile significantly.

He also, though, predicted it could alter the fabric of Inter Miami tremendously ... telling us he's envisioning Messi recruiting some big names to the team -- and turning it into a villain-like superpower in the near future.

"We're already seeing incredible names now being linked to coming to Inter Miami," Lalas said. "It's almost as if they're in the process of potentially creating this MLS super club Death Star, and the hate-watching is going to be absolutely epic!"

Lalas said if it does, indeed, take that turn ... he's anticipating it to create some serious rivalries in the U.S. league -- which would be a big boon for fans here in the States.

"I know if I was on another team -- a less sexy team, for example -- and Miami was doing all of this," he said, "and one of the greatest to ever play is there, I would want to kick his ass."

But, Lalas did offer fans to proceed somewhat cautiously at least initially ... explaining to us that, currently, the Inter Miami roster is not exactly the best -- which could lead to some early frustrations for Messi.

Then again, he told us he's fully ready to see flashes of brilliance from Messi ... despite his roster's limitations and his 35-year-old age.

"This is a wonderful day for soccer; this is a wonderful time for MLS -- and America in general," Lalas said, "because this is a pretty cool thing to see."

Carrie Fisher Princess Leia Dress Hits Auction ... May Force and $1 Million Be with You!!!

Carrie Fisher fans now have a shot at an iconic piece of "Star Wars" history ... Princess Leia's dress is up for grabs, but it's gonna take way more than Obi-Wan's help to snag it!

The one-of-a-kind costume has hit the auction block at Propstore Auction. It was worn by the late actress in the OG 1977 film, "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" ... and the auction house estimates it will fetch between $1 mil to $2 mil.

The 3-day auction also features several other non 'Star Wars'-related pieces of Hollywood memorabilia. For instance, Batman's Batpod -- used by Christian Bale in "The Dark Knight" and "The Dark Knight Rises" -- is also up for grabs, and will likely draw a similar price as Leia's gown.

Other items on the block include the evil clown doll from Steven Spielberg's classic 1982 film "Poltergeist", which is expected to go for $200K to $400K.

And film fans can also bid on props from modern hits, like Chris Pratt's light-up "Star-Lord" helmet from the 2014 flick, "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Harry Potter's distressed costume, worn by Daniel Radcliffe in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is up for grabs, and figures to go for at least $75K. Steep price, for sure, but it does come with the glasses.

The auction starts June 28 and ends June 30 ... good luck!!

Ray Stevenson 'Star Wars,' 'Thor' Actor Dead At 58

Ray Stevenson, known for his work in 'Thor' and the "Star Wars" franchise, has died.

Ray's publicist confirms the news to TMZ, telling us he died Sunday -- they say they have no further details surrounding his death at this time.

Ray first broke into the world of acting in 1993, appearing in various episodes of TV before landing a role in the 1998 flick, "The Theory of Flight" ... where he played a gigolo tasked with helping Helena Bonham Carter's character lose her virginity.

He went on to appear in a bunch of projects like "The Book of Eli," "Rome," "The Other Guys," and "Kill the Irishman" -- all before landing the role of Volstagg in Marvel's "Thor" in 2011, returning to the series in 2 sequels as the years went on.

"Star Wars" fans remember Ray lending his voice to the character Gar Saxon -- appearing in "Rebels" & "The Clone Wars." He's also playing a separate character in the upcoming "Ahsoka" series, premiering later this year.

Apart from that, Ray's been featured in "Divergent," 9 episodes of "Dexter," "G.I. Joe: Retaliation," "Black Sails," and "Crossing Lines." He also played Scott Buxton in the recent Indian hit, "RRR."

Ray was 58.


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