Las Vegas Cybertruck Bomber 'I Feel Like Batman' In My Cybertruck

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Matthew Livelsberger fashioned himself a superhero after renting a Tesla Cybertruck just days before detonating the vehicle in front of the Trump Hotel in Vegas.

The Army Special Forces active-duty soldier told his ex-GF Alicia Arritt he felt like Batman in the Musk truck -- this was just 2 days before the truck exploded.

According to texts obtained by the Denver Gazette, Livelsberger wrote, "I rented a Tesla Cybertruck. It’s the s***," and followed up with more messages, photos, and videos of the truck.

Saweetie How About A Magic Trick??? ✏️ Sinisterly Recreates Heath's Joker For Halloween


Saweetie is all for her fans dressing up as her for Halloween, but she's going a completely different route with her costume ... Heath Ledger's Joker!!!

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The "Tap In" rapper went full Clown Princess of Crime Wednesday when she digitally inserted herself into the classic film "The Dark Knight" as The Joker ... y'know, the part where Michael Jai White's character had to pick his mans up!!!

Her makeup, mannerisms and hunched posture were all spot-on ... Heath famously won an Oscar for his performance -- Saweetie's future looks bright!!!

'Joker: Folie à Deux' Actor Getting Fanboy Wrath Laughs It Off ... The Film's Meant to Be Polarizing!!!


"Joker: Folie à Deux" is officially DOA -- even wildly despised by some theatergoers -- but the actor at the center of one of the biggest fanboy gripes has one question ... Why so serious?

Be warned ... there are major spoilers for 'Joker 2' below!

Here's the deal ... The highly anticipated sequel starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix only made a weak $20 million at the domestic box office opening weekend ... and even worse ... the Todd Phillips-led movie got slapped with a dismal "D" grade on CinemaScore.

Real-Life Joker Why So Serious?!? Smashes Up Ex-Employer's Business

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causing a ruckus
Joseph Golder/NewsFlash

Joaquin Phoenix isn't the only Joker on the streets these days ... a Brazilian man has taken inspiration from the crime thriller to wreak havoc on his former employer.

Check it out ... a man swings by a gas station where he used to work, and declares he's been driven insane by his termination. As you can see, the ex-employee is dressed as Batman's famed nemesis ... including green hair, white face paint, and a jarring red smile made from what appears to be lipstick.

The culprit then channels the comic book villain by smashing up the business in the name of revenge ... as his former colleagues hide inside.

Lady Gaga Check Out My Big Engagement Ring ... Wedding Bells On the Way?

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Lady Gaga made a sparkling entrance at Monday’s Venice International Film, showing off her huge diamond engagement ring with her fiancé Michael Polansky right by her side.

The singer/actress and the tech entrepreneur embraced in a passionate kiss after they stepped out of a car in Venice, Italy for the opening of her new movie “Joker: Folie à Deux.”

While their lips were locked, Gaga’s hand gripped Polansky’s arm — flashing the glittering rock on her finger.

Adam West 'Batman' Woulda Loved Eminem's Homage ... Says His Family


Eminem's latest music video for the single "Houdini" is out, and among the millions viewing the banger is the family of the OG Batman Adam West, who loved the rapper's salute to his work.

In the video for the track, which is part of Em's upcoming "The Death of Slim Shady" LP -- he's back in the ol' Robin outfit he was wearing back in 2002 .... when “Without Me” rocketed to No. 1 on the charts.

Nina Tooley, West's daughter, told TMZ her dad would have loved the video, which in the family's opinion spoke to the enduring brilliance of the TV show and her father's version of the Caped Crusader.



Un primer vistazo a Bill Skarsgård en el remake de "The Crow" ha salido a la luz y los fans están enojados, criticando el arte corporal exagerado y comparándolo con el Joker de Jared Leto.

Reslulta que Bill es el protagonista de un remake del clásico gótico de culto de 1994 y las primeras imágenes de su personaje renovado "Crow" acaba de caer el miércoles a través de Vanity Fair. Hay un montón de fotos del set que tienen ... pero todo el mundo se centra en esta toma de dinero.

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Por si no lo sabías, "El cuervo" sigue la historia de un hombre asesinado que vuelve a la vida para promulgar su venganza contra los hombres que lo mataron a él y a su prometida. Todo esto impregnado de una honda dark/noir. Toda la película es básicamente una película de venganza impregnada con fantasía gótica, y cuenta con un maquillaje y puesta en escena memorables.

En la película original, el personaje -interpretado por el hijo de Bruce Lee, Brandon- llevaba chaquetas de cuero negro y el maquillaje blanco de la cara le hacía parecer más un cadáver, pero en general su aspecto era bastante discreto, especialmente cuando se compara con la versión de Bill. Eso es lo que parece opinar Internet.

Mira las fotos, Bill lleva el cuero y el maquillaje blanco en la cara y el cuerpo, así como una serie de tatuajes indecorosos y un tanto caricaturescos, como un ojo gigante en medio del pecho y la palabra "Lullaby" escrita sobre la ceja derecha.

Todos estos tatuajes han hecho que los fans piensen en otro personaje extravagante... el Joker de Leto en "Escuadrón Suicida", que tenía literalmente escrito "Damaged" en la frente, para que el público no pasara por alto ese rasgo particular del personaje, suponemos.

El punto es que los fans están muy molestos, con algunos diciendo que este concepto del personaje escupe en la cara de la memoria de Brandon.

Por si n lo sabía, Brandon fue asesinado a tiros en el set de "El Cuervo" después de que una pistola de utilería le disparara un fragmento de bala sin limpiar de una escena anterior. Nadie fue acusado penalmente, pero su madre Linda Lee Caldwell demandó con éxito a los cineastas.

Los fans son bastante celosos del personaje de Lee y su legado y están bastante seguros de que el aspecto de Skarsgård solo va a dañar la memoria de Brandon y "The Crow".

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Tendremos que ver cómo marchan las cosas, ya que la fecha de estreno de la película está fijada para junio, y parece poco probable que el estudio pueda arreglar el problema a tiempo.

Bill Skarsgård Fans Blast 'The Crow' First Look ... Point to Leto's Hokey Joker

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A first look at Bill Skarsgård in the remake of "The Crow" is out ... and fans are pissed -- blasting the over-the-top body art, unkindly comparing him to Jared Leto's Joker.

Here's the deal ... Bill's the lead in a remake of the gothic cult classic hit movie from 1994 -- and the first pictures of his revamped "Crow" character just dropped Wednesday via Vanity Fair. There's a lot of set photos they have ... but everyone's focused on this money shot.

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FYI ... "The Crow" follows a murdered man who comes back to life to enact his revenge against the men who killed him and his fiancée -- which is it has this dark, noir-esque vibe. The whole film is basically a fantasy revenge flick ... with memorable makeup/costumes.

In the OG film, the eponymous character -- played by Bruce Lee's son Brandon -- wore black leather jackets and bodysuits, and white face makeup made him look more like a corpse, but overall his look was pretty understated ... especially when compared to Bill's version. That's how the internet seems to feel about it anyway!

Just check out the pics ... Bill's got the leather and white face/body makeup -- as well as a series of unseemly and sorta cartoonish tattoos ... including a giant eye in the middle of his chest and the word "Lullaby" written above his right eyebrow.

All of these tats have fans thinking about another outlandish character look ... namely, Leto's Joker in "Suicide Squad" who literally had "Damaged' written on his forehead -- just so the audience wouldn't miss that particular character trait, we guess.

Point is, fans are super upset ... with some even going as far as saying this concept of the character spits in the face of Brandon's memory.

If you don't know ... Brandon was actually shot and killed on "The Crow" set after a prop gun fired an uncleared bullet fragment from a previous scene at him. No one was criminally charged, but his mom Linda Lee Caldwell successfully sued filmmakers.

Safe to say ... fans are pretty protective of Lee's character and his legacy -- and they're pretty sure Skarsgård's look is only going to hurt the memory of Brandon and "The Crow" -- that's what some are saying about this.

TMZ Studios

We'll just have to see how it all comes out ... since the movie's release date is set for June, it seems unlikely the studio can fix the perceived issue now.

Kevin Conroy Knew Video Game Batman Would Die ... Still Gave It His All!!!


Kevin Conroy fans are fuming over Batman's death in a new video game, but the voice behind the Caped Crusader knew the hero's fate ... and gave the role everything he had.

The late actor's publicist, Gary Miereanu, tells TMZ ... Kevin performed his Batman lines in "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League" with "the same verve with which he approached every Batman role, always being faithful to the words on the page and the direction from the other side of the glass."

Kevin recorded his lines for the dying Batman before his own passing in 2022 ... and some fans feel the video game death is a disrespectful way to leave Conroy's legacy as the Dark Knight.

But Kevin's rep doesn't see it that way ... telling us, "I'm also certain that, while recording, Kevin’s own death never entered his mind."

Another Batman voice actor, Jason O'Mara, tells TMZ ... Bruce Wayne's going to come back in some way, shape, or form in a different story, just like Superman and many other beloved characters.

TMZ Studios

Jason is sure Kevin knew the script called for Batman to die, and says ... "No matter the scenario, he never let any Batman fan down."

Since the initial fan outrage, it's been revealed there's at least one more performance of Kevin as Batman the vault.

Jason says Kevin probably knew this wouldn't be his last ride as Batman, and fans will have reason to enjoy and celebrate his next performance.

Kevin Conroy Fans Outraged Batman Gets Killed ... In New Video Game


There's a new video game where Batman gets a final sayonara from his worst foes -- and fans of the late Kevin Conroy are absolutely fuming over it ... calling it a terrible send-off.

The game's called 'Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League' -- due out in a few days -- and some of the footage from a particular scene involving the Dark Knight (voiced by Conroy) is already making the rounds online ... which depicts this version of Batman's brutal death.

Indeed, in this universe ... Harley Quinn fires a bullet into Batman at close range, officially killing him off -- and people who grew up watching Conroy's Batman are kinda losing it.

There's a number of reasons why folks are mad -- but the biggest one, it seems, is that some feel this is a disrespectful way to leave Conroy's legacy as the Caped Crusader. It is, in fact, the last time he played Batman before tragically passing in 2022 from cancer.

While this game's developer/distributor (Rocksteady/WB) likely didn't foresee Conroy dying so suddenly -- diehards of his character and the superhero at large are still dragging these companies through the coals for the decision to off Batman like this ... very wham bam.

However, others are actually pushing back against the outrage ... for two good reasons. One ... it's a freaking video game/fictional character -- and all this is pretty damn silly, TBH.

TMZ Studios

More importantly, though, many are rightly pointing out that Conroy himself signed up for this story when taking the job -- and considering how closely he cherished the role/character of Batman for as long as he did it ... some think the angry mob should respect his decision.

Some believe 'SSKTJL' tarnishes Batman/Kevin's footprint ... but his contribution goes well beyond just this moment. Try telling that to the nostalgic right now -- they don't seem to wanna hear it.


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Las recientes publicaciones de Matthew Perry en "Matman" antes de su muerte no eran una señal de que estuviera pidiendo ayuda, esto según la mujer con la que cenó el día antes de su fallecimiento.

Athenna Crosby, la morena misteriosa vista cenando con Matthew antes de morir, le dice a TMZ que la estrella de "Friends" estaba realmente en Batman - incluso llamándose a sí mismo "Matman" y su paseo en el Batmobile.

Era muy feliz

Ella dice que era un tipo juguetón durante los meses que lo conoció y los que piensan que sus comentarios de superhéroes en línea eran mensajes subliminales acerca de su seguridad están muy equivocados.

Athenna califica sus mensajes como los de un nerd y un fan apasionado de los superéroes.

de buen ánimo

Como informamos, la modelo de 25 años de edad y reportera de entretenimiento se juntó a cenar con Matthew el pasado viernes en el Hotel Bel-Air y dijo que estaba devastada al enterarse de su muerte solo un día después de verlo.

Athenna reafirma en lo que ya nos han dicho. Básicamente que el actor estaba muy optimista y de buen humor antes de su muerte e incluso tenía proyectos.

De hecho, Athenna nos dice que ha habido un montón de especulaciones en torno a la muerte de Matthew los días que falleció. Ella solo puede hablar de su experiencia y está segura de su muerte prematura fue un trágico accidente.

Para más información, consulta el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Matthew Perry 'Mattman' Posts Weren't Sign Of Struggle Despite Conspiracy Theory

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There's a wild conspiracy theory floating around that Matthew Perry's recent "Mattman" posts before his death were a cry for help ... but the woman he dined with the day before he passed says that theory couldn't be further from the truth.

Athenna Crosby, the mystery brunette spotted grabbing a meal with Matthew before he died, tells TMZ ... the "Friends" star was really into Batman -- even calling himself "Mattman" and his ride the Batmobile.


She says he was a playful guy in the months that she knew him ... and the conspiracy theory he was pushing subliminal messages about his safety by using the superhero reference is way off.

Athenna playfully chalks the "Mattman" posts up to Perry being a nerd and says fans jumping on the conspiracy train are definitely getting carried away.


As we reported, the 25-year-old model and entertainment reporter grabbed a bite to eat with Matthew last Friday at the Hotel Bel-Air ... and said she was devastated to learn of his death just a day after seeing him.

Athenna doubles down on what we've been told already -- the actor was extremely optimistic and in great spirits leading up to his death ... and he even had projects lined up.

In fact, Athenna tells us there's been a lot of speculation surrounding Matthew's death in the days since he passed away ... and while she can only speak from her experience, she's certain his untimely death was a tragic accident.

For more check out the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Diddy Insane Batman Costume!!! Thumbs Nose at WB & SAG

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Diddy gives zero f****, and proved it with a Batman costume -- complete with a real Batmobile -- that's so dead-on to the 'Dark Knight' movies, it's sure to piss off Warner Bros. ... and maybe even SAG-AFTRA.

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Check out the artist's killer look from Tuesday night's festivities -- the dude's a spitting image of the big screen Batman, and on top of his picture-perfect costume, he was riding around Hollywood in Batman's Tumbler ... the Batmobile of choice in the Christopher Nolan movies.

Diddy rented the iconic ride from TV Show Cars out of New Jersey and had it transported across the United States.

diddy 10/31/22

As we reported, Diddy told Jimmy Kimmel he was going to step up his Halloween game this year -- after saying last year's insanely good Joker costume resulted in WB claiming it was a copyright violation.

Kimmel told him to just dress up as Heath Ledger's character again, despite the heat, but Diddy warned his costume this year would also have WB lawyers working overtime ... and he was true to his word.

And then there's the actor's union -- SAG said it didn't want its members dressing up as movie characters for Halloween, but Diddy, and several others, are clearly ignoring that demand.

Batman was tripped up by one Halloween goblin ... fuel mileage. His Batmobile ran outta gas on Sunset Blvd!!! Of course, he's got people for that, and one of 'em fetched a gas canister for a refill -- not the hero Diddy deserved, but the one he needed!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Diddy ¡¡¡Se atreve con demente disfraz de Batman!!!

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Soy Batman

A Diddy le importa todo un carajo, y lo demostró con un traje de Batman realmente completo, que incluyó un Batmobile tan fiel a las películas de "Dark Knight", que seguramente hará enojar a Warner Bros y tal vez incluso a SAG-AFTRA.

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Echa un vistazo a la punzante mirada del artista la noche del martes. El tipo es una viva imagen de Batman en la gran pantalla y además de su perfecto disfraz, se anduvo paseando por Hollywood en el Batmobile de elección en las películas de Christopher Nolan.

No tenemos ni idea cómo llegó a sus manos una réplica exacta del icónico vehículo, pero parece que lo sacó directamente de la Batcueva.

diddy 10/31/22
Es todo amor

Como ya informamos, Diddy le dijo a Jimmy Kimmel que iba a intensificar su juego de Halloween este año. Esto, después de decir que su excelente disfraz del Joker del año pasado resultó ser una violación de los derechos de autor.

Kimmel le dijo que simplemente se vistiera como el personaje de Heath Ledger nuevamente, a pesar del odio que suscitó, pero Diddy advirtió que su traje de este año también tendría a los abogados de Warner Bros trabajando horas extras y fue fiel a su palabra.

Y luego está el sindicato de actores. SAG dijo que no quería que sus miembros se vistieran como personajes de películas para Halloween, pero Diddy, y varios otros, claramente hicieron caso omiso de esa demanda.

Batman se tropezó con un duende de Halloween ... su kilometraje de combustible. ¡¡¡Su Batmobile se quedó sin gasolina en Sunset Blvd!!! Por supuesto, tiene gente para eso, y uno de ellos le trajo un bidón de gasolina para rellenarlo, ¡no el héroe que Diddy se merecía, pero sí el que necesitaba!

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Diddy WB C&D'ed My Joker Costume ... Gonna Push The Limit Again!!!


Diddy says his version of Heath Ledger's Joker was so good last year Warner Bros. sent him a cease and desist from doing the look in the future.

If you recall, Diddy masqueraded around L.A. dressed as Batman's arch nemesis during Halloween 2022 and fooled a lot of people in the process who didn't even realize it was Diddy ... just ask Tyler, The Creator and "Power" actor Michael J. Ferguson.

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Diddy told Jimmy Kimmel WB's legal team determined his full-blown makeup infringed on The Joker's copyright ... but for Halloween 2023, he's still planning on making them earn their retainer with another take on one of their properties.

Heath posthumously won an Oscar for his take on Mr J. and Diddy did him justice ... staying in character the whole night.

Halloween, movie auditions -- it's all the same thing for Diddy!!!

Young Batman In 'Batman Begins' 'Memba Him?!


American actor Gus Lewis was just 12 years old when he played the kid version of Batman -- who had a fear of bats after falling into a cave and encountering the animal -- in "Batman Begins" back in 2005.

Lewis shared the big screen with Hollywood legends like Christian Bale -- playing the adult version of Batman, Cillian Murphy as the vicious psychopath who is afraid of Batman, Scarecrow and Katie Holmes as the town of Gotham's district attorney and Batman's love interest, Rachel Dawes.

From a young age, Lewis found interest behind the camera and in more recent years, he has stepped into writing and directing roles.

Guess what he looks like now!