Venus Williams' Fatal Car Crash Surveillance Video Shows Impact
Venus Williams Fatal Car Crash Surveillance Video Shows Impact

2:40 PM PT -- The Barson's attorney tells us, “The video released by the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department continues to support the fact that Ms. Williams remained in the intersection at a red light, violating the Barson’s right of way. There is nothing that disputes Ms. Williams' was in the intersection on a red light, and the witnesses clearly confirm the Barsons' had a green light and lawfully entered the intersection.”
Venus Williams lawfully entered the intersection where her SUV was T-boned by a Hyundai in which the passenger was killed ... this according to just-released surveillance video and new police information.
The video shows Venus' black SUV entering the intersection but slows down for a car that turned in front of her. Once the coast is clear, Venus appears to punch it to clear the intersection.
It appears Venus' light had turned red while she was waiting for the car to pass. The Hyundai then had a green light and was traveling at around 25 MPH in the intersection when it slammed into the SUV.
It's unclear, but it seems the driver of the Hyundai believed Venus would not attempt to cross since she appeared to be stopped, waiting for the other car to clear.
As we reported, the estate of the passenger who died, Jerome Barson, has sued Venus for wrongful death, claiming she was speeding and negligent.
Attorneys for Venus and the Barsons were in court Friday and agreed to share downloaded crash data from both vehicles. We're told police will gather information from Venus' SUV within the next 10 days -- police have already downloaded the Barson vehicle's data -- and both sides will share the info within 72 hours.
Both vehicles will remain in police custody until the process is complete.