Jerry O'Connell's Credit Card Gets Declined in New York City
Jerry O'Connell Well, This Is Embarrassing ... My Card Keeps Getting Declined!!!
Jerry O’Connell might want to join a biker gang ... because trying to rent a bicycle sure as hell ain't working!!!
This is the funniest clip you'll see all day ... Jerry's in the middle of Manhattan trying to use a bike-sharing program, but his credit card keeps getting REJECTED!
Jerry admits it's SUPER EMBARRASSING ... and he keeps swiping and swiping ... but no dice.
It's hilarious ... Jerry makes a crack about his awful credit score, and then dips into his wallet to fish out his mom's debit card. Still nothing doing. Side note: Who carries their mom's debit card?!?
Anyway, seems the Citi Bike machine just didn't feel like working -- neither do we -- so it's not like Jerry's flat broke.
Pretty sure Jerry's got money in the bank ... dude's got his own talk show premiering Monday on FOX, and our guy asked who he's dying to interview. Hint: Jerry has royal aspirations.
And, don't sweat it ... he does eventually get a ride. The old-fashioned way.