Dog the Bounty Hunter Says Family's Good, Just Crazy Like Normal
Dog the Bounty Hunter My Family's Nuts, Just Like Normal ... But We're Good!!!

Dog the Bounty Hunter says things are settling down with his fam -- including his "crazy" daughters -- after a few drama-filled weeks and, in his eyes, it wasn't all about Moon, either.
We got Dog Monday at BOA Steakhouse in Weho and asked him how things are going in the wake of his emotional posts about his late wife, Beth Chapman ... along with Moon Angell moving out and his daughter, Lyssa, getting arrested in Hawaii.
Dog tells us he's doing well and his family is working out their issues like they always do. He calls Lyssa "one of my crazy daughters" and says everyone else is a little nuts too.
But, he says love conquers all ... even in a dysfunctional unit that squabbles as much as his.
We broke the story ... Dog and Moon decided to move out after living together for a while and his bizarre marriage proposal on TV. Their parting of ways seems to have eased the family tension -- his kids were not supportive of the relationship.
But, watch ... Dog says even if Moon were never in the picture, there'd be drama. It's just what the Chapmans do.
As for Lyssa ... she was arrested in Hawaii and charged with 2 counts of harassment after an apparent fight with her girlfriend. Pops says he's doing okay now too.