'Half Pint Brawler' The Bloody Face Plant ... Caught on Tape!


Here it is ... video footage of "Half Pint Brawlers" star Puppet botching a jump from the top rope last weekend ... and smashing his entire face on the concrete floor. Enjoy!

TMZ broke the story ... Puppet suffered major damage in the wrestling accident -- requiring 8 stitches in his head and a brand new set of teeth to replace the ones that were knocked out of his mouth.

The good news ... Puppet has already received some brand new chompers (below). The bad news ... he still has stitches in his mouth so they're only temporary.

He won't get a permanent set till next week.

'Half Pint Brawler' K.O.'d by Cement Face Dive ... Hospitalized

Puppet -- the badass midget wrestler from the Spike TV show "Half Pint Brawlers" -- went head to head with a slab of cement and lost ... knocking out most of his front teeth and sending him straight to the E.R.

It all went down Saturday at an independent "midget wrestling" show in Virginia ... Puppet jumped off the top rope of the ring onto a table outside the perimeter -- but seriously fudged the landing.

Puppet tells TMZ ... he overshot the jump by a few feet and instead of hitting the table, he face-planted into the cement floor ... and knocked himself out cold for almost 3 minutes.

We're told he was rushed to a nearby hospital ASAP ... where he was given 8 stitches to fix a gash above his eye. Then doctors gave him some really bad news ... he needs major reconstructive dental surgery to fix all his top teeth.

Luckily the docs numbed the pain with a crap load of morphine ... which Puppet's friends were kind enough to catch on film (below).


Puppet is currently recovering from his surgeries -- and obviously he's not expected to get back in the ring for a couple of weeks.

'Half Pint Brawlers' Hulk Hogan is Ripping Us Off

The guys from "Half Pint Brawlers" feel so ripped off by Hulk Hogan's new "midget wrestling" show on TruTV, they're talkin' lawsuit.

HPB's founder Puppet the Psycho Dwarf tells TMZ ... Hulk's new show, "Micro Championship Wrestling," is straight up stealing.

"Half Pint Brawlers" on Spike TV followed a group of midget wrestlers trying to create a specialty brand ... which is exactly what Hulk is doing on TruTV.

The reality star goes on to say, "There were a lot of situations that appeared to be copied from what we already did. There were also statements made by members that are almost the exact words out of my mouth."

More than a little coincidental?

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