TMZ Live -- Beyonce's Birthing Mystery ... a Natural Wonder
TMZ Live Beyonce's Birthing Mystery ... a Natural Wonder
(1:45) The Beyonce c-section mystery -- how did Blue Ivy REALLY exit her body?
(2:30) How Harvey found out about Beyonce's birth ... and what we didn't publish.
(9:30) Real quote: "I'm still stuck on the vagina here."
(15:10) Blue Ivy ... another celeb baby name to poke fun at.
(22:20) Tim Tebow's heavenly performance -- NOW do you believe?
(25:00) Ryan R. thinks Tebow has the Steelers' injured defenders to thank ... not the man upstairs.
(27:00) Joseph Coppola -- a pastor in New England -- is on the phone ... he says Tebow has christian Patriots fans torn on who to root for!
(35:00) Chaz Bono goes penis shopping -- time for Ryan S. to start using some big boy words. He fails.
(45:30) A doctor accidentally makes Harvey think he's gonna die in six months -- you HAVE to hear Harvey's reaction.