Porn King to U.S. Military -- Sorry Anthony Weiner's Sexting Partner Masturbated on the American Flag
Porn King to U.S. Military Sorry Weiner's Sexter Masturbated on the Flag
Members of the U.S. military are pissed Anthony Weiner's sexting partner involved the American flag in her masturbation porn -- and TMZ has learned, the XXX king behind the video is so sorry ... he's editing the flag out of the tape entirely.
Sources close to Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch tell TMZ, Hirsch recently received a call from an active serviceman in Florida, complaining about Sydney Leathers' upcoming porn, in which she masturbates on top of the red, white, and blue.
We're told the man was NOT upset about the masturbation part -- he's a big Vivid fan after all -- but the American flag's involvement crossed the line, and he was going to have the DVD banned from his base.
We're told Hirsch profusely apologized to the man for offending anyone in the U.S. military -- a major porn consumer for obvious reasons -- and agreed to remove the American flag from Vivid's website as well as from Sydney's DVD.
And that seemed to do the trick -- we're told the man accepted Hirsch's apology, moved on with his porn-filled existence, and lived happily ever after. The end.