Daniel Tosh -- ANNIHILATES LANE KIFFIN ... 'Die of AIDS, You Pedophile'
Daniel Tosh ANNIHILATES LANE KIFFIN 'Die of AIDS, You Pedophile'
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Daniel Tosh does not care for Lane Kiffin ... at least judging by his new sketch in which he blasts the Alabama offensive coordinator as a "pencil d**k" and a "pedophile" who should "die of AIDS."
The comedian went after Kiffin on his Comedy Central show "Tosh.0" this week -- mocking Lane in a fake public access show where "Kiffin" (played by Tosh) takes calls from fans.
That's when things get downright aggressive -- with the callers blasting Kiffin with the following insults:
-- "stupid piece of s**t"
-- "you f**king coward ... you p**sy"
-- "I hope you die of AIDS you overpaid p**sy"
-- "s**t for brains"
-- "pencil d**k"
-- "pedophile"
There's more ... the callers also rip into Kiffin's wife -- and it's harsh.