Will Smith ... Screw Craft Services ... My Crew Gets Lobster Tail!
Will Smith Screw Craft Services My Crew Gets Lobster Tail!
There was plenty of tail on Will Smith's latest movie set ... and it was delicious!
We got pics of a lunch Will catered Tuesday for the cast and crew of "Concussion," which is being filmed in Oxnard. The eats were spectacular ... huge lobster tails, filet mignon, prime rib, chicken, sausage, pastas, and on and on.
We're told the crew went crazy, and they love Will. To a person they say he's the nicest guy they've ever worked with. Some of them say they worked with Will 15 years ago and he hasn't changed a bit.
We don't know if Will or the studio paid, but he's the one who threw the shindig, and the cast and crew couldn't be happier ... and dare we say fatter.