Gordon Ramsay -- GUNS OUT ... In the 'Bu
Gordon Ramsay GUNS OUT ... In the 'Bu

Gordon Ramsay is JACKED, SON!!!
The "Hell's Kitchen" chef was out in Malibu on Tuesday ... strollin' around in his workout gear after a triathlon training session -- flexin' a serious pair of guns.
Turns out, 48-year-old Ramsay is a hardcore athlete ... he's completed 15 marathons, 3 ultra-marathons, 3 half-Ironmans and the actual Ironman in Hawaii.
FYI -- Ramsay started running marathons in 2001 ...and says his goal is to break the 3:30 mark.
In fact, Gordon clocked in a time of 3:30:14 back 2004 ... but says he chocked that up to posing for pics for fans and signing autographs.
"Had I not said yes and taken some water and stolen a Jelly Baby, I would have done it in under 3.30," Ramsay told The Telegraph ... "I am going to break 3.30. I won’t stop until I do."